Books Zero Waste and Climate Action

PLASTOCALYPSE; Life in the Plastic Age Coming to an End?

The most prevalent type of plastic manufactured worldwide is single-use plastic. As a result, there are significant environmental and economic issues. To improve the effectiveness of the ban on single-use plastics in Kerala, it may be necessary to increase education and outreach efforts to ensure that the public is aware of the ban and its importance. This will lead to increased efforts to ensure compliance with the ban and reduce the availability of banned plastics. The following topics are covered in the education material on single-use plastics: history of plastics and single-use plastics; banned single-use plastics; plastics’ recyclability; marine pollution brought on by single-use plastics; health and environmental issues with plastics; microplastics; national and state laws and policies related to plastics; plastic alternatives; and study reports in Kerala.

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Zero Waste and Climate Action

Carbon Neutral Meenangadi: Assessment & Recomendations

The purpose of this project is to propose sector-wise adaptation and mitigation strategies to develop Meenangadi Panchayat of Wayanad district in Kerala as a ‘Carbon Neutral Panchayat’by carrying out a carbon emission and sequestration analysis in the sectors of Transportation, Energy, Waste, Livestock and AFOLU (Agriculture, Forests and Other Land Use). The concept of ‘Carbon Neutral Community’ puts forth the notions of zero-carbon development and food- energy self-sufficiency at the local government level.

The estimate shows that there was an excess of carbon emissions (Surplus of total emissions over total sequestration in terms of CO2Eq) of 11,412.57 tonnes of CO2Eq in 2016-17.


Zero Waste and Climate Action

Precautions to be taken by volunteers to the flood affected area

File Type : Publications, Size : 0.17 MB
A check list of things to be remembered / precautions to be taken by volunteers to flood affected areas in Kerala for relief work.

Zero Waste and Climate Action

Precautions to be taken by volunteers to the flood affected areas

File Type : Publications, Size : 1.96 MB
A check list of things to be carried and precautions to be taken by volunteers to the flood affected areas of Kerala

Zero Waste and Climate Action

Behaviour Study: Shift from Centralised to Decentralised waste management at households

File Type : Reports and Case Studies, Size : 0.21 MB
This study is conducted to analyse the change in the attitude of households when they shifted from centralised to decentralised waste management system. The study conducted in households situated in different parts of Thiruvananthapuram namely Shasthamangalam, Chacka, Manacaud, Vanjiyoor, and Thycadu.
